Our Areas of Treatment Specialization Include:
- Addiction disorders, Alcoholism, Opioid use and other use disorders
- Anger Management
- Anxiety disorders, Panic Disorders
- Behavior problems
- Bipolar disorders
- Childhood attachment disorders
- Chronic illnesses
- Depressive Disorders, Major depression
- Dual diagnosis
- Eating Disorders
- Grief/Loss
- Impulse Control Disorders
- Marital Problems
- Psychosis and Schizophrenia
- Parent-child conflict and parenting issues
- Relationship issues
- Stress management
- School refuseal
- Trauma and PTSD
- Teen/Adolescent emotional/behavioral issues
Psychotherapy Modalities
We offer the following:
- Acceptance ad commitment therapy - ACT
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - CBT
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy - DBT
- Crisis Intervention
- Behavior Management for children & adolescents
- Expressive Therapy
- Grief and Loss Support
- Relapse Prevention Therapy
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Life Skills & Planning
- Solution Focused Therapy
- Motivational interviewing